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VTOL aircraft

См. также в других словарях:

  • VTOL — is an abbreviation for Vertical Take Off and Landing. VTOL describes fixed wing aircraft that can lift off vertically. Vertical lift” is the capability to execute a controlled vertical take off and vertical landing with a mission payload [Rhett… …   Wikipedia

  • List of VTOL aircraft — This is a list of planes capable of vertical take off and landing arranged under manufacturer. The list excludes helicopters because they are assumed to have this capability. A * Aero Design Development Hummingbird * Armadillo Aerospace Quad *… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft — An aircraft is a vehicle which is able to fly through the Earth s atmosphere or through any other atmosphere. Rocket vehicles are not aircraft if they are not supported by the surrounding air. All the human activity which surrounds aircraft is… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft carriers of the Royal Australian Navy — The Royal Australian Navy, while significant in the Asia Pacific region, has never been a major global force. As with many smaller navies after World War II, the RAN made a decision to develop a naval air arm and operate aircraft carriers. Due to …   Wikipedia

  • VTOL airplane — ▪ aircraft abbreviation  of Vertical Takeoff And Landing Airplane,         any of several unconventional aircraft with rotating wing systems, such as the helicopter and autogiro. They may also have rotatable jet systems capable of vertical lift… …   Universalium

  • VTOL — ☆ VTOL [vē′tôl΄ ] n. [v(ertical) t(ake)o(ff and) l(anding)] an aircraft, usually other than a helicopter, that can take off and land vertically …   English World dictionary

  • VTOL — abbr. vertical take off and landing. * * * ˈvēˌtōl, ȯl abbreviation vertical takeoff and landing * * * /vee tawl /, n. Aeron. a convertiplane capable of taking off and landing vertically, having forward speeds comparable to those of conventional …   Useful english dictionary

  • VTOL — Dornier Do 31 bei der Erprobung 1967 Senkrechtstart und landung bezeichnet die Fähigkeit eines Flugzeugs, senkrecht und ohne Start und Landebahn starten und landen zu können. Ebenso gebräuchlich ist die englische Abkürzung VTOL, was für vertical… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • VTOL — Aéronef à décollage et atterrissage verticaux Un aéronef à décollage et atterrissage verticaux (dont l acronyme est ADAV) est un aéronef à voilure fixe conçu pour s affranchir des pistes qui lui sont normalement nécessaires pour le décollage et l …   Wikipédia en Français

  • VTOL — /vee tawl /, n. Aeron. a convertiplane capable of taking off and landing vertically, having forward speeds comparable to those of conventional aircraft. [1965 70; v(ertical) t(ake)o(ff and) l(anding)] * * * …   Universalium

  • VTOL — [[t]ˈviˌtɔl[/t]] n. a convertiplane capable of taking off and landing vertically, having forward speeds comparable to those of conventional aircraft • Etymology: 1955–60; v(ertical) t(ake)o(ff and) l(anding) …   From formal English to slang

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